Community Development
As a non-for-profit organisation, we strive to be part of the driving partners in the development of our communities!

How We Do It?
North Claybelt Community Futures Development Corporation is very involved in community economic development activities. The CFDC works closely with private and public sector partners in our communities and our region to assess the local problems and to look at new ideas and opportunities that could strengthen the economy. Partnerships with various community groups and organizations also enable us to offer a variety of programs, workshops and seminars.
We assist in the implementation of strategic plans that guide local economic development. Together with a broad cross-section of community stakeholders normally including the private sector, non-profit organizations, municipalities, education, labour, and First Nations, we cooperate to build a vision for our communities.
Special Initiative Fund
North Claybelt Community Futures Development Corporation is able to disburse funds, (maximum $1,500.00 which represents 75% of costs) in support of local economic development projects identified as critical to the implementation of the economic development plan for the area.
Note: Funds are limited. The Special Initiative Fund will be reviewed annually and contingent on available funding.
Please contact the Executive Director to discuss your project and determine its eligibility. Funding applications will be reviewed, by the Board, on a monthly basis. Eligible applicants can submit an application for the same project only once.